The Session recalibrates your nervous system & increases your Presence – Combining meditation & awareness with authentic movement flow.
We make an inventory & bring into motion all that is:
The Mental, Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Realms of oneself as well as the collective Cosmic Energies of the transiting Gene Key.
Coming into the present moment, calm your mind & activate your highest creative potential. Preparing you to be ready for your next mission on planet earth 🙂

1 Sunday a month

19.00-20.30 / 7-8.30pm CET.   

Session: 22€

2023  |  22.1. | 19.2.  |  19.3.  |  16.4.  |  21.5.  |  18.6.  |  18.7.  |  20.8.  |  22.10.  |  12.11.  |  10.12.  | 


Online Zoom – at your home




Getting in touch with your personal needs in this very moment,

allowing yourself to express it through your body & voice.

Please Prepare yourself for the Evening:

  • We meet in a digital space (zoom), whilst you are in the comfort of your own home.
  • You’ll need a minimum of 6m2 to move – if you have more that’s great.
  • Please wear comfortable cloths.
  • Provide yourself with something to drink and
  • some paper and pens so that all creative possibilities are open to you.
  • Please do also ensure before hand your device has Zoom installed & you have the possibility to show up with camera & microphone for our sharing moments & set your lightnings in a way you will be visible.
  • Session is held in English, German, French or bilingual – depending on your needs.

Cindy Zeller

Attending Karen`s on line workshop was deeply inspiring. Although we were not together in person, the impact was great. Karen`s experience is evident. Shared through her honesty, openess and creativity. I would recommend signing up for her offers. Even the next day I woke up relaxed and motivated. Thank you Karen

Cindy Zeller

Sensing in & tuning into your Body

Karen Rémy

Creative Spiritual Embodiment Muse

Karen has been creating in physical theater, site-specific performance, contact improvisation & sculpture since 2004.

Since 2012 she has been exploring holistic healing of body, mind and soul, as well as meditation, consciousness, sensuality, ritual, Eastern and Western metaphysics.

She is muse, mentor, mystic, child of nature, mother, light warrior, dancer, actress, healer certified in Holistic Healing, Regression Guidance, Shiatsu, Embodicode® Mentoring & Meditation Leadership & ever lasting passionate student of the mysteries of life…

All together merged in SOUL AIM - Arts in Movement - that combines creative self-expression with deep mystical wisdom.

Karen Rémy offers her fellow Creative & Mystic Souls a space to get in touch with other levels of consciousness, to draw knowledge about their own Souls uniqueness & to express it in a creative presence.


Du kannst mit Paypal, Kreditkarte oder per Ãœberweisung zahlen!


You can pay via Paypal, Credit Card or Bank Transfer!


Du kannst auch ohne Paypal Konto eine einmalige Lastschrift in Auftrag geben oder mit deiner Kreditkarte bezahlen!

Scrolle dafür im weiterführenden Fenster nach unten.



You don't have a Paypal account?  You can also order a one-time direct debit without an account or pay with your credit card! Scroll down in the next window.

Ãœberweisung / Money Bank Transfer

Karen Remy – N26 Bank – IBAN DE46100110012623108585 

  • Wenn Du nur direkt überweisen willst, wähle „On-Site“ & überweise mir den Betrag mit Betreff „Nature Body Art“ & deinem Namen an diese Bankverbindung.


  • Deine Anmeldung ist erst dann abgeschlossen, wenn das Geld bei mir eingegangen ist!


Karen Remy – N26 Bank – IBAN DE46100110012623108585 

  • If you only want to transfer money directly, choose "On-Site" & transfer the amount with subject "Nature Body Art" & your name to this bank account.
  • Your registration is only completed when I have received the money!

Kreditkarte / Stripe / Credit Card

Wähle "Stripe", wenn Du mit Kreditkarte zahlen willst.


Chose Stripe to pay via Credit Card

Bonus Codes

Bonus Codes können im nächsten Schritt eingegeben werden, nachdem Du die Teilnehmeranzahl gewählt hast.


Bonus Codes can be entered in the next step after you chose the amount of persons joining.

Kein Buchungsfenster ? / no Booking Module?

Sollte hier kein weiteres Fenster mehr zu sehen sein, so ist die Anmeldefrist beendet, da das Seminar bald beginnt oder ausgebucht ist!


If you don't see another window here, the registration period is over, because the seminar will start soon or is fully booked!

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