„Longing for belonging… but for how long!?“

Do you know this? This longing to belong to some group while at the same time the feeling of being a total stranger.

I woke up this morning, asking myself again WHY I am here – at the place I am in this moment of energetic shifting of the world… (Note I live in a beautiful house with a wide view over the hills & next to a beautiful freshly green forest with a nice garden. The family home I spend my teen age in.)

I always felt this deep belonging in nature – that I haven’t found with humans to this grade.
However I love humans & I also spend the last 15 years living in european metropoles (Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt) away from nature. Mostly living in big groups or with a lot of people close by. I infused all my surrounding and my being with other people, tried to fit into their realities, feeling a total stranger, being so sad of not being seen/listened to…

Only last year I finally accepted my own nature – that needs to be by its own, close to nature. Loving the contact with others, when I can chose to get in & out in my own timing!

I realized that I can co exist, that I am more seen, when I go in my own tempo. That I am more listened to when I am heard less often.

Since I started my spiritual journey of holistically understanding my self & my soul, I was told that I am more a kind of priestress that people come to, that I by my nature don’t belong inside the communities. Being an actress I even got mainly roles that put me into this!

I realized that there is just a very few people I really belong to & that they won’t be living all together…. even though I had this huge wish to live with my soul mates.

But we are here to shine our light, guide other souls and spread so we can be in service of the light on this planet! It would be a complete waste of energy to have us all on one spot! We wouldn’t be able to fulfill our missions! However we meet regularly in my soul family and keep our connections throughout time and space!

So right now in these crazy times – I am here surrounded by nature, infused by bird songs – I have enough space around me to finally expand my energetic body to its real size.

I am so grateful for all my learning, for all the support I got in my life from family, teachers, soul mates, mother earth & the universe.
Finally I feel calm within, knowing that its right to be here on my own. I feel connected to all the light souls on this planet and the universe, no matter what body they chose.

I know that I belong to my Self forever & that’s the only home, the only love that can fulfill my deep searches of this and other live times!
If I didn’t find it before only meant I was looking at the wrong place! I was looking outside! Trying to fit into other peoples thoughts or realities, to live another ones live. I was so much strugeling however I learned a lot.

We old souls all came for something & brought a huge knowledge (conscious or unconscious!).
And each one has a different Mission, something special that only YOU can bring!
So please lets use these crazy times to remember deep within why we came, why we took on us all this struggles and finally bring our gifts to the world!

its not a coincident we are all here right now at the exact place where we are with the exact story & learning we had!

from my heart to yours with deep respect, Karen Rémy AIM

own tempo – own reality – same space.

Picture by Natalie Grainger – Unsplash Community